
What is First 5 Mono County?

The California Children and Families Commission was established after voters passed Proposition 10 in November 1998. Proposition 10 added a 50 cent-per-pack tax on cigarettes to fund education, health, child care, and other programs to promote early childhood development for expectant parents and children up to age 5.

Proposition 10 was designed to address the lack of public funding and support for early childhood development in the wake of a growing body of scientific evidence indicating that children’s emotional, physical, social, and developmental environments have a profound impact on their ability to reach their greatest potential in school and to become productive members of society.

In 1999, the Mono County Board of Supervisors established the Mono County Children and Families Commission, also known as First 5 Mono County. The County receives approximately $350,000 each year in tax revenues and augmentations, as well as local, State, and Federal funds to support Home Visiting, Childcare, and Childcare Quality. First 5 Mono County has granted thousands of dollars to local organizations and individuals to improve family functioning, child development, and child health. Currently funding is provided to Mono County Libraries for Raising a Reader; Mono County Office of Education for Safe Kids California, Mono Partners; and Mammoth Unified and Eastern Sierra Unified School District for Kindergarten Assessments. In addition, the Commission directly operates the following county-wide programs to support the early development of young children: Welcome Baby & Healthy Families Home Visiting, Peapod Playgroups, Oral Health Education, and the Childcare Quality System.

The First 5 Mono County Commission holds regular quarterly meetings on the third Thursday of September, January, March, and June from 2:00-4:30 each year. All members of the public are welcome to attend and provide public comment. Meetings are held in the Mono County Office of Education Conference Room located at 451 Sierra Park Road, Mammoth Lakes, or, with COVID allowances, via Zoom.

First 5 Association of California
The First 5 Association of California works to improve the lives of California’s youngest children and their families through an effective, coordinated, and inclusive implementation of the California Children and Families Act at the local and state levels. Visit this site to learn about the work of other First 5 county commissions.

First 5 California
Many people recognize First 5 California through television and radio ads that promote healthy early childhood development. First 5 California, also known as the California Children and Families Commission, provides technical assistance and additional resources to the 58 county commissions.

First 5 California Parents’ Site
First 5 California understands that today’s parents face many challenges as they raise their kids. That’s why they’re here to help. Learn more about making nutritious choices that give children a healthy start to life, watch videos, get free books, download the parent guide.

Mono County Children and Families Commission

The First 5 Mono County Commission seeks to schedule regular meetings quarterly on the second Wednesday of the month in September, January, March, and June. All members of the public are welcome to attend and provide public comments. Sign up to receive agendas via email.

November 20, 2024 2:00-4:30pm
Mono County Office of Education
451 Sierra Park Road, Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546

Meeting Agendas and Packet Inclusions

June 17, 2021

March 18, 2021

January 21, 2021
Item 10
Item 11 (second of 4 documents)

September 17, 2020

June 18, 2020

June 8, 2020

April 2, 2020

January 23, 2020 (Rescheduled from December  19)
Full Packet

September 19, 2019 
Full Packet

June 20, 2019 
Full Packet

May 16, 2019 (Rescheduled from March 28)
Full Packet

Cancelled: March 28, 2019 (To be rescheduled)
Full Packet

February 21, 2019 (Rescheduled from January 17, 2019)
Full Packet

December 17, 2018
Full Packet

September 20, 2018
Full Packet

June 21, 2018
Full Packet

March 15, 2018
Full Packet

December 21, 2017
Full Packet

September 21, 2017
Full Packet

June 22, 2017 (Rescheduled from June 15, 2017)
Full Packet

May 5, 2017 (Rescheduled from April 20, 2017)
Full Packet

February 16, 2017
Packet Inclusions

December 15, 2016
Packet Inclusions

October 20, 2016
Packet Inclusions

June 3, 2016
Packet Inclusions

March 10, 2016
Packet Inclusions

January 7, 2016
Packet Inclusions

October 15, 2015
Packet Inclusions

June 25, 2015
Packet Inclusions

April 16, 2015
Packet Inclusions

February 26, 2015
Packet Inclusions

December 18, 2014
Packet Inclusions

October 16, 2014
Packet Inclusions

June 19, 2014
Packet Inclusions

May 15, 2014
Packet Inclusions

April 10, 2014
Packet Inclusions

January 16, 2014
Packet Inclusions

December 19, 2013
Packet Inclusions

October 24, 2013
Packet Inclusions

September 26, 2013
Packet Inclusions

August 22, 2013
Packet Inclusions

First 5 Mono County Commission

The First 5 Mono County Commission is comprised of seven voting members:

Bob Gardner, Chair
Mono County Board of Supervisors
PO Box 564 June Lake, CA 93529
Ph: 909-325-0999

Janice Mendez, Vice Chair
Project Lead, Community Health in Diabetes Prevention
Bridgeport Indian Colony
PO Box 186 Bridgeport, CA 93517
Ph: 760-616-4728

Patricia Robertson, Commission Secretary
Director, Mammoth Lakes Housing
PO Box 7379
Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546
Ph: 760-934-4740

Tammy Nguyen

Superintendent of Schools

Mono County Office of Education

PO Box 477 Bridgeport, CA 93517

Ph: 760-934-0031 FAX: 760-932-7278 / 934-1443

Lauren Plum
Wellness Programming and Community Outreach Supervisor, Mono County Behavioral Health
PO Box 2619, Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546
Ph: 760-924-1749

Michelle Raust
Program Manager, Mono County Department of Social Services
PO Box 2969, Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546
Ph: 760-924-1770

First 5 Mono County Staff

Annaliesa Calhoun, BA, Childcare Quality System and Home Visiting Coordination Coordinator
Diana Copado Home Visitor and Group Leader

Elvira Felix de Ceceña Home Visitor and Group Leader and Childcare Quality System Specialist

Molly DesBaillets, MA,

Executive Director

EIleen Jackson, BA, Home Visitor and Group Leader

Debbie Riffel, Home Visitor

Lara Walker, BA, Lead Home Visitor

Data & Resources