Free home visiting for families with children ages 0-5

Our free Home Visiting program, Welcome Baby! & Healthy Families, offers early childhood parent education and family support for parents in Mono County with children from prenatal to preschool, transitional kindergarten, or kindergarten entry. Learn about your child’s development and what to expect in the infant, toddler, and preschool years through a series of personalized home visits (in English or Spanish) at your home or another location. Our program is a model certified, research and evidence-based Parents as Teachers program and our Parent Educators are certified Parenting Counts Instructors and Lactation Educators.
Welcome Baby! & Healthy Families is for all families in Mono County with a child prenatal to preschool or kindergarten entry. Visit frequency varies from once to twice a month based on need.
You will receive…
♥ Breastfeeding support
♥ Information on caring for your newborn and help with questions and concerns
♥ Post-partum depression education and support
♥ Infant development and age appropriate Developmental Screenings
♥ Kit for New Parents filled with advice and useful tips for parents–a $75 value
♥ Information on activities and resources in your community
Support around parenting challenges, including:
♥ Family related: stress and challenges providing a safe and healthy environment
♥ Issue-based: getting your child to sleep in a bed, toilet learning, discipline, biting, or hitting
♥ Special needs: parents or children with atypical development
Sign up for your free home visits!
Enroll anytime during the last three months of your pregnancy and up to your child’s entry in preschool or kindergarten.