Join a Peapod Playgroup! Connect with parents and children in your area. All Mono County expecting parents and families with children birth to six are invited to participate.
Play mats, tunnels and tents give children a stimulating atmosphere to play with their peers, while parents get a much welcomed chance to chat about the joys and challenges of parenting.
Walker: not yet scheduled, Walker Community Center, 442 Mule Deer Road
Chanden 530-208-6472,
Bridgeport: Wednesdays, 11:00am in the park behind Bridgeport Memorial Hall, 100 Sinclair Street
every other Wednesday, June 27 — August 8 (June 27, July 11 & 25, & August 8 )
every Wednesday, August 22 — September 26, Danielle 760-937-1126 download flyer
Benton: not yet schedculed, Ida Lynn Community Center, 58869 Hwy. 120 Amy 760-933-2420
Mammoth: Thursdays, 10:00am Mammoth Community Center, 1000 Forest Trail Rd.
every other Thursday, July 12 – August 9 (July 12 & 26, & August 9)
every Thursday, August 23 – August 4, Jennifer 760-914-0810 and Melissa 760-709-6513 download flyer
Mammoth Spanish: Tuesdays, 11:30am Mammoth Community Center, 1000 Forest Trail Rd.
July 10 – September 18 (except July 24), Lara 760-914-2556 and Elvira 760-914-0447 download flyer
Crowley Lake: Saturdays, 11:00am Crowley Community Center, 58 Pearson Rd.
July 21 – September 29 (except August 18)
Locations, alternating every other week:
Crowley Lake Community Center, 58 Pearson Road.: July 21, August 4, & September 1,15,22, & 29
Crowley Lake Park, by the library: 3627 Crowley Lake Dr. July 28, Aug. 11 & 25, & September 8, Kim 760-709-0220 download flyer